Endowment Fund
Frog sitting on a leaf carved from Lake Wenatchee, WA soapstone by Virgil Keltz, Image Credit: Unknown
(See more about this image below)
The Endowment Fund raises funds, which are maintained in a perpetual account, to support federation activities. We currently use the interest from the proceeds to support the production and distribution of programs to each regional federation. These programs are then available to the individual club/society members of the regional federation.
We are also supporting the AFMS website. The AFMS website is not static, it grows and changes as the AFMS does, so periodically, it must be enhanced or even replaced.
About the image on this page
Virgil Keltz, master carver and member of the Skagit Rock & Gem Club, NFMS, created this minutely detailed frog sitting on a leaf from Lake Wenatchee, WA soapstone. He created and donated this beautiful piece especially for the 2006 Endowment Fund Raffle. The stylized leaf is approximately 5"x9" and the colorful frog measures 3".Â