
of the Year

Display of Oregon Sands, Image Credit: Lori Carter

(See more about this image below)

American Federation of Mineral Societies Club’s Rockhound of the Year (ACROY)

by Judi Allison

Honor your club's unsung heroes! So simple anyone can handle the process

This is such a simple thing to do for those folks who might not otherwise be recognized.  It was created to honor an individual or couple and a Junior in your club who have contributed something special during the year.  Your club can have a selection committee, a choice can be made by the executive committee, or perhaps, the current honoree can choose the new recipient.  A member might suggest an individual to the selection committee. The method used by a particular club is open to what works for them.  The important thing is to choose an honoree.  

Each year, any club in the American Federation can submit a name and an article about their honoree via email and have a certificate for presentation within a week or two. The presentation can then be made at a special meeting, a Christmas Party or whatever is convenient for the Club.  

Be assured that the snail mail method is also available.

Each region has its own regional chairperson.  The submission should be given to them in order to assure that the honoree’s name and article will appear in its regional paper.  Following are the names and emails of those individuals. In the event you do not hear back from them, be sure to double check. We are all volunteers, and although we try our best, sometimes things fall through the cracks. And you are welcome to reach out to me.  Jms46 at or nfmssec at

California: Chris Ward, chris_ward678 at
Eastern: Ellery Borow, rocknellery at
Midwest: Midwest: Jeanine N. Mielecki jaynine9 at
Northwest: Laurie Ellis, nfmsroy at
Rocky Mountain: Chirs Whitney-Smith ask.chrisws at
South Central: open (send submissions directly to Judi)
Southeast: Marty Hart, ACROY at

The certificate reflects membership in AFMS along with the logo and signature of the regional Chair persons. Again, I would love to be flooded with submissions from all the clubs in every region honoring their unsung heroes in such a quick, simple, free and effective manner.  So, let’s do it!!!

Submission Check List

AFMS Rockhound of the Year Certificate

Sample Certificate:  I attempt to make each year unique.

Image Credit: Judi Allison

More about the image above

Display of Oregon Sands

This is part of a larger display of Oregon sands. The diverse compositions of the sand samples are reflected in the rainbow of colors. The vials are placed upside down in a custom stand with a round slot for each vial. The clever spheres are Christmas ornaments filled with sand, sealed, and placed upside down onto napkin rings.

Sand Display: Steven Michael

Image Credit: Lori Carter